Uttar Pradesh is the most populated state of India with 75 districts and 23milion people. The world-famous Taj Mahal is located in the Agra district of UP. It is famous for its temple architecture famous rivers.
Pastor Thomsi Philip was born and raised in a Roman Catholic family and we accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior at a young age.
He gave himself to the Lord for His work at age of 17 went to north India with his wife Jessy and worked with a gospel team for 11 years. That gave him different experiences and rooted him in North India for His work.
Like Lord separated Paul and Barnabas for the work they have called for while they were fasting and praying, In the year 2009, while Pastor Thomsi was fasting and praying, God spoke to him through a vision to go to a place where there is no ministry, no proper roads or electricity. He obeyed the call and went to a place called Loni in Ghaziabad District of Uttar Pradesh. As a pioneer in that place, he overcame many challenges leaning on to the Grace of God. Lord opened a door for him to start worship in a school for five years. During that five-year time, he was able to touch many people's lives and by the Love of God, about 100 people came to the Lord. After he moved to a rented place and expanded the ministry to more places. In another five years, God gave him a place of their own to worship. During these 12 years, God worked through Pastor Thomsi Philip and his family to expand the ministry to 10 places and have 8 full-time pastors working with him.
Vision and Prayer by Pastor Thomsi.
We are praying and focusing on Uttarpradesh to start at least a fellowship in each district.
We have been conducting youth camps in different parts of Uttar Pradesh to equip people for ministry and also giving special training for church planting ministry.
Pastor Thomsi Philip, Jessy , Teena, Tanusha, Timon and Jensy